Sense Difficulty: The target's willpower, stamina, or Control
Alter Difficulty: Variable depending on the number of targets and their emotional states.
Number of targets: Difficulty role
1: Very Easy
2-4: Easy
5-10: Moderate
10-15: Difficult
15-20: Very Difficult
20+: Heroic
-10 If target is tired or has failed a stamina roll.
-5 If the user first uses Affect Mind to convince the target that
they are tired.
+0 If target is not actively doing something that requires
complete attention.
+5 If target is doing something that requires attention.
+10 If target is actively doing something that requires
+15 If the target is actively engaged in combat or is in a combat
Required Power: Dim Another's Senses, Affect Mind
Effect: Induced sleep allows a Jedi to put a target into a deep sleep, from which the target cannot be awakened while the power is in effect. Sleep lasts for 1D6 hours after this power is discontinued, however targets can be awakened before that time by natural means. If the Jedi or anyone "with" the Jedi harms the target while they are helpless, the Jedi receives a Dark Side Point. This power cannot affect Droids or creatures that do not require sleep
This power can be kept up but the Jedi must make a new power roll whenever he adds or switches targets.
Sense Difficulty: Easy
Alter Difficulty: Moderate
Time to Use: Two rounds
*This power may be kept up.
With this power, a Jedi can modify one of his senses to perform the function of another of his senses if the original sense is disabled. For example, a Jedi stricken blind can use Modify Senses to enable his ears to "hear" light, thereby regaining normal vision. A deaf Jedi could "feel" sound with his skin, and so on. The modified sense may NOT be enhanced with Magnify Senses. The sense that was in place before modifying still functions. If a Jedi uses his eyes to "see" sound, he will still perceive light through his eyes normally (unless he was blind too). A sense can only be transferred to a sense organ that works. If a Jedi's eyes are disabled, then they can't be modified to "see" anything else.
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Alter Difficulty: Moderate
Required Powers: Hibernation trance, postcognition, sense force
Time To Use: 20 minutes for less than or equal to 1 cubic meter; 4 hours for 10 cubic meters; 1 week for 100 cubic meters; 1 year for 1 cubic kilometer; +1 year for each additional 0.5 cubic kilometer
Note: This power must be kept ``up'' until the removal meditation is completed or given up on.
Effect: This power removes the Force imprint left by a Force user (or the ambient imprint) on an object or area. When another Force user tries to ``Sense Force'' on the affected object or area, add +10 or the Alter roll, whichever is higher, to the difficulty.
This power requires intense meditation and the Jedi must go into a trance to erase all of the imprint over long periods of time. Short breaks may be taken every week to eat and drink, but the power must be ``kept up'' and the delay must not be more than 10 minutes. While in the Remove Force Imprint trance, the Jedi must not be distracted by any large stimulus (e.g. a loud bang or shout, a slap, an extremely strong smell, etc.). After finishing, the Jedi should leave the vicinity of the object or area, preferably within 24 hours. Contact longer than this increases the probability of a new Force imprint being created. Using the Force near the object or area, after erasing the imprint (convert cubic meters to meters of distance, e.g. 100 cubic meters=100 meters from the object or place is considered ``near'') creates a new imprint.
Removing the Force imprint of a Force Nexus, especially a Dark Side Nexus (like the Dagobah Cave) is extremely dangerous for your mental health (GM to arbitrate specific results).
This is the ability to telepathically get information, from an object or location, about its past. Information about past users, actions taken place there, etceteras, can be determined. The Jedi must be in contact with the object in some way (touching, holding, etc.), or must be in the location in question. Therefore there are no modifiers for proximity, or relationship.
Note: Dead bodies are objects and can be read using this power, but it will not work on a living creature(use Receptive Telepathy for that). Although nothing says that you can't use it to read the objects on the person, to find out what kind of person they are. Also note that this power will not give you an in-depth look into the person who owned it, just their actions with that object.
This power may be kept up.
Sense difficulty: Easy for objects, Moderate for locations under 10m radius, Difficult for 10m to 20m, Very difficult for 20m to 30m, and Heroic for over 30m radius.
Alter difficulty: Moderate for emotions associated with object or area.
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