back Melee Weapons
Staff or Club 15 Str+1D 5 1 Spear 60 Str+1D+1 10 1 *Gaderffii 50
Str+1D 5 3 *Knife 25 Str+1[6D] 5 1 Hatchet 35 Str+2 10 1 Bayonet
75 Str+1D 10 2,F Force Pike 550 Str+2D 15 2,R *Vibroaxe 500
Str+3D+1[7D] 15 2,R *Vibroblade 250 Str+3D[6D+2] 15 2,F
*Vibrobayonet 300 Str+3D[6D+2] 10 2,F *Lightsaber --- 5D +
Special 20 4,X Numbers in [] in damage column represent max
damage with this weapon. All weapon here use the melee combat
skill except the lightsaber which uses the lightsaber skill.
Black-Powder Pistol 200 2,R 2D+2 3-4 8 12 Musket 250 2,R 3D 3-10
30 100 Slugthrower 275 2,R 3D 3-15 45 125 Rifle 300 2,R 3D+1 3-30
100 300 Submachinegun 600 2,R 4D 3-10 50 100 Crossbow, Longbow
200 1,F 2D+2 3-10 30 50 *Wookie Bowcaster 900 3,R 4D 3-10 30 50
*Throwing Knife 25 1 Str+1 2-3 5 10 All weapons shown here use
the archaic weapons skill except the throwing knife which uses
the the thrown weapons skill. Ranged Weapons
*Hold-Out Blaster:Q2 275 2,R or X 3D 3-4 8 12 *Sporting Blaster
350 1,F 3D+1 3-10 30 60 *Blaster Pistol:DL-18 500 1,F,R or X 4D
3-10 30 120 *Heavy Blaster Pistol 750 2,R or X 5D 3-7 25 50
*Blaster Carbine: 36T 900 2,F,R or X 5D 3-25 50 250 *Blaster
Rifle 1000 2,X 5D 3-30 100 300 *Sporting Blaster Rifle 900 2,R
4D+1 3-40 120 350 *Light Repeating Blaster 2000 2,X 6D 3-50 120
300 Med. Repeating Blaster 3000 2,X 7D 3-60 150 400 *Hvy.
Repeating Blaster 5000 2,X 8D 3-75 200 500 Stun Pistol 200 1,F 3D
(Stun) 3-5 10 14 Riot Gun 750 2,R 8D (Stun) 3-5 12 18 All weapons
shown here use the blaster skill Explosives
Radius *Grenade (throwing) 200 1,R 5D/4D/3D/2D 3-7/20/40
0-2/4/6/10 *Thermal Det. (throwing) 2000 2,X 10D/8D/5D/2D
3-4/7/12 0-2/8/12/20 *Mine (speeder scale) 750 2,X 5D/4D/3D/2D
2-4/6/10 0-2/4/6/10 The grenade and the thermal detonator both
use the grenade skill while the mine uses the demolitions skill.
*Blast Helmet 300 1 +1 +1D Head *Blast Vest 300 1 +1 +1D Torso
*Bounty Hntr Armor 2500 2,R +2D +1D Everywhere -1D to Dexterity
Skills +1D to Lifting Skill *Storm Trooper Armor --- 3,X +2D +1D
Everywhere -1D to Dexterity Skills, + Helmet Bonuses The bounty
hunter armor use the powersuit operations skill. Clothing
Clothing________________Cost Clothing________________Cost Work
Clothes 100 Casual Clothes 75 Business Clothes 75 Formal Clothes
100 Local Uniform 150 Flame-Proof Suit 200 Exposure Suit
(general) 300 Exposure Suit (arid) 400 Thermal Suit (cold) 400
Sub-Zero Parka 250 High-G Suit 400 Wet Suit 400 Air Tanks 100
Oxygen Reprocessor 300 Miniature Life Support 1000 Space Suit
(emergency) 1000 Space Suit (utility) 1500 Space Suit (hi
quality) 2000 Miscellaneous Survival Tents__________Cost Survival
Tents__________Cost Single-Person 200 Two-Person 400 Four-Person
600 Eight-Person 800 Tools___________________Cost
Tools___________________Cost Power Scanner 150 Hydrospanner 50
Beam Drill 50 Fusion Cutter 75 Worklight 25 Plasma Welder 50
Vibropick 50 Vibrosaw 75 Power Prybar 30 Tool Harness 10 Computer
Took Kit 200 Droid Tool Kit 200 Vehicle Tool Kit 200 Security
Systems Kit 200 Medical Equipment_______Cost Communication
Devices___Cost Medpac 100 Standard Comlink 100 Bacta Tank 3000
Subspace Radio (small) 500 Medicines 100 Subspace Radio (large)
1000 Droid Equipment_________Cost Droid Equipment_________Cost
Restraining Bolt 25 Restraining Bolt Owner 100 Owner and Bolt 75
Repair Services 50-500 Overhaul Services 50-500 Memory Wipe
Services 50-500 Miscellaneous Equipment_Cost Miscellaneous
Equipment_Cost Syntherope 2 Sleeping Bag 15 Glow Rod (flashlight)
10 Rations 200 Ammo Bandolier 100 Chronometer 25 Flares 5
Macrobinoculars 100 Pocket Computer 100 Breath Mask 50 Recording
Rod 30 Datapad 100 Directional Transponder 200 Survival Pack 1000