Control Difficulty: Very easy for sunburn and other very minor energy sources; Easy for intense sun; Moderate for solar wind and other modest energy sources; Difficult for radiation storms and other intense energy sources. Characters may use this power to absorb energy attacks(such as blaster bolts and force lightning) - the difficulty is Moderate plus the attacks damage roll.
This power may be kept up as long as the source of energy is constant - it may not be kept up for blaster bolts or Force Lightning
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to absorb or dissipate energy, including light, heat, radiation and blaster bolts. A successful control roll means that the energy is dissipated. If the user fails the roll, she takes full damage from the energy.
This power may be used to ward off sunburn, heat-stroke and radiation exposure, as well as withstand intense heat. This power may also be used to absorb blaster bolts as Darth Vader did on Cloud City.
The character must activate the power in the same round to absorb the blaster bolt or Force Lightning - the character must be able to roll the power before the attack lands. The power cant be used after the attack has hit.
Control Difficulty: Easy for wounded characters, Moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters.
Time To Use: One minute.
Effect: A Jedi who uses this power successfully may make two natural healing rolls for the current day (12 hours apart) regardless of the severity of the injury. The Jedi gets a +2 modifier to both Strength rolls to heal.
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Required Powers: Hibernation trance, force lightning, injure/kill
Note: This power can only be used by characters who have been consumed by the Dark Side.
This power can be kept ``up.''
Effect: This power enshrouds a Dark Jedi in a camouflaging veil of the Dark Side. The power roll is added to the difficulty of any Sense roll of a power attempting to detect the presence of the user of this power. It also subtracts 2D from any skill attempts to perceive them, or 4D if the power roll succeeds by 15 or more. The power causes people to overlook the user as he or she blends into the surroundings and any smells or sound emanating from them are muffled. The user of this power still may make skill checks as usual while the power is ``up'' (i.e. at a -1D penalty). However, the user may not use combat oriented Force powers while this power is kept ``up'' (e.g. lightsaber combat, combat sense, injure/kill, telekinetic kill, inflict pain, etc.).
Control Difficulty: Easy if the Jedi is relaxed and at peace; Difficult if the Jedi is filled with aggression, fear or other negative emotions; Very Difficult if the Jedi is acting on those negative emotions.
Effect: When using this power, the Jedi clears all negative thoughts from her mind, feeling the Force flowing through the universe and her own being.
The individual Jedi concentrates on one specific task at hand. If the skill roll is successful, the Jedi may add +4D to any one action in that round. The Jedi may do nothing other than using the concentration power and using that one skill for one action. The Jedi receives no bonus if anything else is done in that round, including duplicate uses of the same skill or dodges or parries.
This power may be used in conjunction with Force Points or Character Points. This power is only in effect for one round and may not be kept up.
Control Difficulty: Very Easy for a mild infection, such as a cold; Easy for a modest infection or illness, such as a high fever or severe flu; Moderate for a severe illness, such as gangrene or a hive virus; Difficult for a life threatening disease; Very Difficult for a massive, long-standing disease; Heroic for a rapid acting life-threatening disease.
Required Powers: Accelerate Healing
Time To Use: 30 minutes to several uses over the course of weeks.
Effect: Control Disease allows the Jedi to direct and control the anti-bodies and healing resources of her body to throw off an infection or to resist diseases within the body. Using this power requires the Jedi to meditate for half an hour.
If the disease is life-threatening or long-standing, the Jedi must make repeated skill attempts over the course of several weeks or months to cure the disease entirely.
Control Difficulty: Very easy for wounded or stunned characters, Easy incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters.
The power can be kept up, so the character can ignore the pain of injuries for a long period of time. However, whenever the character is injured again, the Jedi must make a new control pain roll, with the difficulty being the new level of injury.
Effect: A wounded Jedi who controls pain can act as if she has not been wounded, starting with the round after the power roll has been made. The wound is not healed, but the character doesnt suffer the penalties of being wounded: a wounded Jedi doesnt suffer any die code penalties; an incapacitated character can still act normally, as can a mortally wounded character. This power can also be used to shrug off any stun reults.
However, the character is still injured, and thus prone to getting worse, even if the Jedi doesnt feel the pain. Mortally wounded Jedi may still die from their injuries, even if they arent feeling any pain.
Control Difficulty: Very Easy for a very mild poison, such as alcohol; Easy for a mild poison; Moderate for an average poison; Difficult for a virulent poison; Very Difficult to Heroic for a neurotoxin.
Time To Use: Five minutes
Effect: This power allows a jedi to detoxify or eject poisons that have entered her body. If the Jedi makes the power roll, the poison doesnt effect her.
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Note: Characters who are consumed by the dark side of the force may not use this power.
Required Power: Hibernation trance
Effect: The user empties her mind and allows the Force to flow through her. The character seems to be in deep meditation and is oblivious to her surroundings. A character in emptiness may not move or take any action except to try to disengage from the emptiness.
While in emptiness, a character is difficult to sense or affect with the Force. When another character attempts to use a Force power on the user in emptiness, add the users emptiness roll to the difficulty for the other characters sense roll (if the power doesnt use the sense skill, add the difficulty to the control roll). This difficulty is added regardless of wether or not the empty character wound willingly receive the powers effect.
Once the character comes out of emptiness, the character gets a +6 bonus modifier to all Force skill rolls for a period of time equal to the amount of time spent in emptiness. This bonus is reduced by -1 for each Dark Side Point that character has.
When in emptiness, characters dehydrate and hunger normally - some initiates have died because they lacked enough control to bring themselves out of emptiness.
A character must make a Difficult control skill roll to bring herself out of emptiness. When the character enters into emptiness, the player must state for how long the character will be in meditation. The character may attempt to come out of meditation under the following circumstances:
Control Difficulty: Easy for +1D, Difficult for +3D, Heroic for +5D +2 Difficulty levels for each skill after the first. Once the difficulty for the power is Heroic, no more skills may be included.
Required Power: Enhance Attribute.
*This power may be kept up.
Effects: With this power, Jedi can enhance their abilities in particular skills. The bonus dice are added to the skill dice so long as the power is up. If a force user wishes to change which skills are enhanced or by how much, then a new power roll must be made. Force users may only enhance those skills in which they have a skill which is at least one whole die greater than their attribute, before taking any special abilities into account. Otherwise they must pay 1 character point for each skill they are enhancing in which they do not have the required skill dice. If this power is not kept up, the force user may make only one action using the enhanced skill, as well as the power roll during the round and not be penalized for multiple actions. This may only be for an action that is one off, such as Luke using this power to enhance his grenade skill and then throwing the rock to activate the door controls to the Rancor pit. It may not be used for an extended action such as a swimming check. This power may not be used with another that enhances the same skill by adding to the number of dice usable. Thus it is incompatible with combat sense, enhanced coordination and lightsaber combat.
This power was attempted by Vader on Luke at the end of Splinter of the Mind's Eye, but Luke used a force point and Absorb/Dissipate to nullify it(IMHO). It takes one action for every die of charge before the strike to charge a fist (in Vaders case) or any other striking body part i.e. foot, knee, elbow, or forehead.
Powers Required: Emptiness or Rage, Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Upon a successful hit the damage is delivered. This can also be used with brawling parry. To date Vader is the only known Force character to use this power and is likely the only one to know of it. Any results due to failure to hit one's target are unknown. This knowledge likely died with Vader. This data was given to us by Master Skywalker through his short (42pp) treatise on his accounts before the fall of the Empire. It is mentioned there might have been an accompanying red glow at the area of force charge, but Master Skywalker later admitted that he wasn't sure if he was hallucinating.
notes: The way this power is set up, usually you would need one round prior to use in order to charge up. Only if you take action during the same round do the one action per 1D charge matter.
game example: Vader has Luke on his knees and is about to finish him off with a forced charged strike to the head. Vader could charge up to over 10D (his control or so). Of course he would need an outrageous control role and would probably need a force point to do it. Instead he decides to charge up 5D in his fist, so he needs to role his control above a 40 (not too difficult for Vader). He dedicated all actions for one round to charging and if he needed to perform an action he would be at minus 5D. Next round he punches at Luke (easy brawling role) and by all rights his fist should have gone right through Luke's head (but Luke got lucky).
Control Difficulty: Difficult if healthy, Heroic if wounded
Time To Use: 1 round
Effect: Hammerhand double's the Jedi's STR attribute for damage and resistance purposes only. Any armour bonuses are not taken into account when doubled, but are added on after for resistance to damage only. For damage, the armour is subtracted from the Jedi's doubled strength, if it covers the part of the Jedi which is doing the damage.
Control Difficulty: Difficult
This power may be kept up.
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to place herself into a deep trance, remarkably slowing all body functions. The Jedis heartbeat slows, her breathing drops to barely perceivable levels, and she falls unconscious. A Jedi can heal while in a hibernation trance, but can do nothing else.
Anyone who comes across a Jedi in hibernation trance assumes that the Jedi is dead unless she makes a point of testing him. Another Jedi with the sense skill or the life detection power will be able to detect the Force within the hibernating character and realizes that she is alive.
When a Jedi enters a hibernation trance, the player must declare under what circumstances the character will awaken: after a specific amount of time, or what stimuli need to be present (noise or someone touching them, for example). Another Jedi can use the power place another in hibernation trance to bring the user out of the trance.
Hibernation trance serves two purposes. It allows a Jedi to play dead and it can be used to survive when food or air supplies are low.
A character in hibernation uses only about a tenth as much air as someone who is sleeping - she can hibernate for a week in a dry climate or for up to a month in a wet climate before dying from lack of water. It is possible to hook the character up to an intravenous water drip to survive indefinitely.
A character can hibernate for up to three months before dying of starvation. An intrevenous sugar solution can extend that to one year.
Required Powers: Hibernation Trance
Control Difficulty: Entrance 19, Exit 26
Effect: This power functions very much like an 'Emptiness' trance, though is used more often by those swayed by the dark side. Upon entrance into a 'Rage' trance, the user determines the length of time he wishes to be in the trance. When the user leaves the trance, he gains a +10 to all force rolls for an amount of time equal to the time spent in 'Rage'. Like 'Emptiness', if the user fails to make an exit roll, he remains in the trance until either someone wakes him, or can make a check each hour thereafter. Unlike 'Emptiness', a Jedi in 'Rage' exudes energy from the dark side. Before entering 'Rage', the user can set the wake up time for when a specific person comes near. To do this, at the time of entrance, a Sense roll of 22 must be made. With that made, the user in 'Rage' will awaken(with a successful Exit roll) when the target person comes near. If a Jedi in 'Rage' is woke up before his time, he will be pissed, attacking the waker in a berserker rage, regardless of the person. A Control roll of 20 is required to cease the attack. For each Force Point a character has, add +2 to all difficulty rolls, and subtract -1 to all difficulty rolls for any Dark Side Points.
Control Difficulty: Moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters, Very Difficult for dead characters.
Required Powers: Control pain
Effect: A Jedi may use this power to reduce the amount of injury she suffers. This power is normally only used in desperation because of its long-term repercussions.
The power must be used in the round that the injury is suffered or in the round immediately following. When the power is successful, the Jedi loses a Force Point.
Any injury that is suffered is reduced to wounded. If the original injury wound have killed the character, the gamemaster will inflict a relevant permanent injury on the character.
Note: It is not always a selfish act to save ones life, so the character might be able to get the Force Point back. If the character was fighting to save her friends from certain doom - and if she fails, they certainly die - then this could even be considered an heroic action.
Control Difficulty: Easy for stunned characters, Moderate for incapacitated characters, Difficult for mortally wounded characters.
Required Powers: Control pain
Effect: Remain conscious allows a Jedi to remain conscious even after suffering injuries which would knock her unconscious. When a character with this power suffers this kind of injury, she loses all other actions for the rest of the round but she is still conscious ( a character without this power wound simply pass out).
At the beginning of the next round, the character may attempt to activate the power - this must be the first action of that round; the Jedi cannot even dodge or parry.
If the roll is unsuccessful, the character passes out immediately. If the roll is successful, the Jedi may persorm one other action that round - often the character will attempt to control pain . The character may make a last-ditch heroic effort before passing out. After that other action has been completed, the Jedi will lapse into unconsciousness (unless she has activated control pain or done something else to stay conscious).
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Time To Use: One minute.
This power may be kept up.
Effect: Resist stun allows the Jedi to prepare her body to resist the effects of stun damage. The power must be activated before the character has suffered any damage
A successful result allows the Jedi to resist all stun results (except for unconscious). An unconscious result forces the Jedi to drop the power, and she is considered stunned. Other injuries - wounded, incapacitated, mortally wounded and killed - are treated normally.
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