
Control and Sense Powers


Control Difficulty: Moderate

Sense Difficulty: Target's PERCEPTION or CONTROL roll +10 (for resisting target) or Easy (for non-resisting target). Modified by relationship and proximity.

Effect: This power enables a Jedi to anticipate an opponents' immediate actions and react accordingly. The Jedi must declare use of this power at the beginning of the round (before initiative is determined), and makes the control and sense checks at -1D each (because they are two actions). If either check fails, the power has not been used successfully and the Jedi suffers an additional -2D penalties for the rest of his/her actions for the round (for the use of the two skills). If both succeed, the Jedi rolls his/her sense dice rather than perception for initiative, and if s/he succeeds, the target must declare all of his/her actions first BUT the Jedi's declared actions occur first in the round (e.g., if the target declares a move and a shot and the Jedi declares two shots, the Jedi's first shot occurs first, followed by the target's move, followed by the Jedi's second shot, followed by the target's shot). The use of control and sense at the beginning of the round gives the Jedi -2D penalty on all other actions even if the skill use is successful. This power may be used on as many targets per round as the Jedi wishes, but the subtracted dice are cumulative. It may not be kept "up"; the Jedi must check each round to successfully anticipate another being's actions.

Rationale: This is a sort of combination between receptive telepathy and farseeing, the idea being the Jedi scans the target's brain for the immediate actions planned. Considering this power will almost always be used on hostile beings, an average PER rating of 3D means an average roll of 10.5, which is 20.5 or just into the Very Difficult range for the sense dice. Taking into account the -1D for two actions, the average Jedi will expect to succeed at this roll more often than not only if his/her skill is 7D or more, so it definitely requires a certain level of Force mastery to use. The reasoning is that receptive telepathy scans only the surface thoughts of a target; attempting to instantly pick out the target's immediate plans and reflexive actions is quite a bit more difficult (the control roll is to coordinate that information with the Jedi's own responses). As an option, GMs might make the risk of using this power even greater by ruling that a Jedi who unsuccessfully attempts anticipation automatically loses initiative that round (s/he has been preoccupied or distracted by trying to probe the target's mind). Or, perhaps, such a penalty is in effect if the Jedi misses the sense roll by 5 or more.


Lightsaber Combat

Control Difficulty: Moderate.

Sense Difficulty: Easy.

This power may be kept up.

Effect: Jedi use this power to wield this elegant but difficult-to-control weapon while also sensing their opponents actions through the Force.

This power is called upon at the start of a battle and remains up until the Jedi is stunned, wounded or worse; a Jedi who has been injured or stunned may attempt to bring the power back up.

If the Jedi is successful in using this power, she adds her sense dice to her lightsaber skill when attacking and parrying. The Jedi may add or subtract part or all of her control dice to the lightsabers damage; players must decide how many control dice they are adding or subtracting when the power is activated.

A Jedi who fails when trying to activate lightsaber combat may only use the lightsaber skill for the duration of the combat.

Finally, the Jedi may also attempt to parry blaster bolts as a reaction skill.

The Jedi may also attempt to control where deflected blaster bolts go; this is a reaction skill and counts as an additional action. (The Jedi cannot full parry when trying to control deflected bolts.)

If the Jedi tries to control the blaster bolt, she makes a control roll: the difficulty is the range of the target (use the original weapons ranges) or the targets dodge roll. The blaster bolts damage stays the same.


Mental Translocation

Control Difficulty: Difficult + proximity

Sense Difficulty: Moderate

Required Powers: Emptiness or rage, farseeing, hibernation trance, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, projective telepathy, remain conscious, shift sense

Time To Use: 3 rounds to prepare + duration of power

Effect: When using this power, the Jedi's mind can leave his/her/its body and travel away from it in any direction and through any physical obstacle. The physical universe cannot harm the Jedi's mind (unless hypnotic/brainwashing or mind-affecting stimuli are perceived).

The Jedi uses the Force to perceive the surroundings, essentially duplicating the function of normal sensory organs. However, due to the complexity of this power, the Jedi can only use two ``non-interactive'' senses to perceive the environment (Jedi's choice; e.g. vision and audition). The sense of touch, or any sense that would require ``interaction'' with the environment cannot be used. Attempts to use ``interactive'' senses results in only one sense being available. If this too is an interactive sense, the Jedi is totally blind and cannot return to the body (the Jedi has no senses).

The non-corporeal Jedi may move at a maximum rate of 10m/round, unless a Heroic + proximity Control roll then made, then the maximum movement is 1km/round (i.e. 200m/s).

The user's body dehydrates and hungers at twice the normal rate.

Proximity modifier is based on the furthest extent of the intended distance (declared before the skill rolls are made). Should the Jedi wish to go beyond this limit, a new Control roll must be made, modified by the increase in intended distance. Failing this roll results in the mind-body connection being broken, and the Jedi being unable to inhabit his former body (It is believed that the Emperor used a modification of this power to break his mind free from his body at the moment of his death on the 2nd Death Star. This suggests it may be possible to use Force Powers while using Mental Translocation--such as Transfer Life!).

The only method of detecting the presence of the incorporeal Jedi is by using Life Detection. Obviously, detection of the Jedi in this manner is nearly always accidental.

In order for the Jedi to find the way back and reinhabit his body, the Jedi must make a Moderate Control roll.

This skill cannot be used to inhabit bodies other than the original host. Also, while using Mental Translocation, the body is very susceptible to the Force power Transfer Life (treat as ``recently dead body'').


Projective Telepathy

Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Increase difficulty by +5 to +10 if the Jedi cannot verbalize the thoughts she is transmitting (she is gagged or doesnt want to make a sound). Modified by proximity.

Sense Difficulty: Very Easy if target is friendly and doesnt resist. If target resist, roll Perception or control to determine the difficulty. Modified by relationship.

Required Powers: Life detection, life sense, receptive telepathy

Effect: If the Jedi successfully projects her thoughts, the target hears her thoughts and feel her emotions. The Jedi can only broadcast feeling, emotionss and perhaps a couple words - this power cannot be used to send sentences or to hold conversations.

The target understands that the thoughts and feeling he is experiencing are not his own and that they belong to the user of the power. If the Jedi doesnt verbally identify herself, the target doesnt know who is projecting the thoughts. This power can only be used to communicate with other minds, not control them.



Control Difficulty: Difficult for same species and race; Very Difficult for same species different race; Heroic for different species; Modified by relationship (ignore different species modifications)

Sense Difficulty: Moderate for just one component; Difficult for two components; Very Difficult for three components

This power can be kept ``up.''

Effects: With this power the Force user can change various components to disguise themselves, or even impersonate someone. The three components are: appearance, voice, and gestures. The GM may rule that this power requires the expenditure of a Force point or a Character point to enable this change.

If the character is attempting to impersonate someone, increase the difficulty by one level and modify the Sense roll by proximity (this is due to the fact that the user must make contact through the Force with the being they want to impersonate in order to do so authentically).

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