Control Difficulty: Very Easy for perceptions; Easy for memories; Moderate for conclusions. Modified by proximity.
Sense Difficulty: The targets control or Perception roll.
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for slight, momentary misperceptions, minor changes to distant memories, or if the character doesnt care one way or another. Easy for brief, visible phenomena, for memories less than a year old, or if the character feels only minor emotion regarding the conclusion he is reaching. Moderate for short hallucinations, for memories less than a day old, or if the target has strict orders about the conclusion. Difficult for slight disguises to facial features, hallucinations which can be sensed with two senses (sight and sound, for example), for memories less than a minute old, or if the matter involving the conclusion is very important to the target. Very Difficult for hallucinations which can be sensed by all five senses, if the memory change is a major one, or if the logic is absolutely clear and coming to the wrong conclusion is virtually impossible.
Effect: The target characters perceptions are altered so that he senses an illusion or fails to see what the user of the power doesnt want him to see. This power is used to permanently alter a target characters memories so that he remembers things incorrectly or fails to rememer something. This power can also be used to alter acharacters conclusions so that he comes to an incorrect conclusion.
Before making the skill rolls, the Jedi must describe exactly what effect she is trying to achieve. The power is normally used on one target; two or more targets can only be affected if the power is used two or more times.
The target characterbeleives he is affect by any successful illusions - a charcter who thinks he is struck by an illusory object would feel the blow. If he thought he was injured, he would feel the pain, or if he thought he had been killed, he would go unconscious. However, the character suffers no true injury.
This power cannot affect droids or recording devices.
DESCRIPTION: New force power allowing user to convert force energy to another form of energy.
Control Difficulty:
Based on level of power required.
Base difficulty of Moderate.
Moderate for Computer, Electric kettle.
Difficult for Lightsaber, Blaster.
Very Difficult for Repulsorlift vehicle.
Heroic for Starship.
Sense Difficulty:
Based on complexity of item to be powered.
Base difficulty of Moderate.
e.g. Moderate for Electric kettle.
Difficult for Lightsaber, Blaster.
Very Difficult for Vehicle.
Heroic for Computer.
Alter Difficulty: Difficult.
*The user of this power must be in contact with the thing being powered.
*This power may be kept up.
Effects: This power enables a force user to convert force energy into some other form of energy. This enables the user to fire a blaster or wield a lightsaber which has a dead power pack. Of course if an item is over powered, it could burn out or even explode, under power the item and it may fail to function or function inefficiently. If the control roll is failed by 5 or less then the item is underpowered. If the sense roll is failed by 5 or less and the control roll succeeded by greater than 5 then the item has been over powered. Note that this power is not restricted to electrical energy, any kind of energy can be produced, but this power does not enable the user to do force lightning, project heat from their eyes a la superman or even project a beam of light from an open palm. It can _only_ be used to power some sort of powered item.
Control Difficulty: Heroic + (2x proximity)
Sense Difficulty: Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Heroic + (2x proximity)
Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate another's healing, accelerate healing, control another's pain, control pain, doppleganger, emptiness or rage, farseeing, force of will, hibernation trance, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, mental translocation, projective telepathy, receptive telepathy, remain conscious, return another to consciousness, sense force, shift sense, telekinesis, transfer force
Time To Use: 1 round to prepare + duration of power + 1 round for ``reassembly.''
Note: This power assumes that Doppleganger should not be a power that grants a Dark Side Point and thus both Doppleganger and this power should be usable by all Force users, and not just Dark Side users.
Effect: This power effectively transports the Jedi over long distances. This is one of the most difficult powers a Jedi can learn. This power allows disassembly of the Jedi's constituent molecules. The power then transports them a given distance and reassembles them. The Force user effectively enters hyperspace (although this is not actually known) and can move the constituent atoms as a 10x hyperdrive. Note that nearby gravity wells have no effect on this power. A different mechanism seems to be used for short distances (on a planet for example). For these short distances, treat as 10km/rnd.
The proximity modifier is based on the furthest extent of intended distance, declared before the skill roll is made. Generally, the user must be familiar with the destination, preferable having visited and studied it before. If the Jedi is not familiar with the destination (it was described to the Jedi, the Jedi only visited it for a few minutes, etc, GM to arbitrate), there is a +20 modifier to the control roll.
Failure of the Control roll affects the location of reassembly. Roll 1D for the direction of failure. 1=forwards, 2=right, 3=left, 4=backwards, 5=up, and 6=down.
These directions are relative to the desired position of the Jedi at the destination. Use of a character point before this roll gives a -1 modifier to the direction roll.
The distance moved in the indicated direction is 2D% of the intended distance traveled. Attempting (intentional or accidental) reassembly in a space already occupied by another object results in the death of the Jedi in most instances.
Designer's Notes: This one raises lots of questions: How much stuff can the Jedi take with him? Can the Jedi transport another being? If ``forward'' on the direction failure roll relative to the planet's surface, or is it a tangent? You'll have to decide these on your own.
Required Powers:Hibernation Trance, Life Detection/Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Projective Telepathy, Rage
Control Difficulty: 42
Sense Difficulty: 34
Alter Difficulty: 37 Modified By Proximity
Size: 100 meters or less +5 100 meters to 1km +10 Per each km +15
Per each km diameter +2 Damage(in Capital Scale): Per 1D +5
Use: This is the single most destructive force power known. It allows the Jedi to twist the space-time continuum to create vast storms of pure force. These storms can destroy whole fleets of the greatest starships, and remember, "The power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force. Each round, the user must again make a Control roll of 42 to keep in control of the storm. While in control, the user can direct the storm as he wishes. If the user fails to make the Control roll(or any of the rolls needed to bring up the power), the storm is summoned, but turns on the user. After the user is devoured, the dissipates a few rounds later. A user can attempt to use to storm to draw a person, ship, whatever through a vortex to another specific location. This requires a +10 difficulty to that rounds Control roll.
Control Difficulty: Difficult
Sense Difficulty: Very Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Heroic
Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, affect mind, control mind, control pain, farseeing, life detection, life sense, projective telepathy, receptive telepathy
Time To Use: 1 hour (deep meditation)
Note: The creation of the Assassin homonculous requires an element of hatred and anger to be used. For this reson, and for the associated evil intent, creators of an Assassin Homonculous automatically receive a Dark Side Point at the time of power use.
Effect: Creates a Force construct that can be controlled by the Jedi, yet also has some degree of ``free will.'' One of three types of homonculi (Assassin, Scout, and Burden) can be created (for stats, see below).
Once the homonculous is created, this power need not be kept ``up.'' However, a Difficult Sense roll is necessary to use the creature's senses as the Jedi's own. This done, a moderate Control roll allows communication/command of the homonculous.
Any life force the creature may seem to have is simply a physical manifestation of the Force and while the homonculi are capable of limited independent thought, they tend to simply follow the last command given.
When the creature suffers damage greater than a wound, it begins to disintegrate, then fade, and finally returns to the dust its physical form was created from.
Types Of Homonculi
Note: Use of character points during creation of the homonculous increases one skill one pip over attribute and beyond base skill level listed below. Note that all homonculi have the same number of base attribute and skill dice (+/-).
Type: Assassin Homonculous
Dodge 5D, melee combat 4D
Special Abilities:
Poison Claw Glands: Secrete a poison onto claws. Roll 2D vs.
STR for effects. If poison higher, all stats -1D per point (if
stat equals or drops below 0 then character is unconscious). The
effects of the poison last 3 hours.
Move: 10 walking, 15 gliding
Size: 50cm
Scale: Character
Description: Bat-like wings, sharp teeth & claws, long tail,
brown, green, or gray skin. Like a pterodactyl with a stubby jaw.
Type: Burden Homonculous
Lifting 6D, stamina 5D
Special Abilities:
Climbing Claws: Add +2D to climbing skill.
Webbed Digits: Add +1D to swimming skill.
Move: 10
Size: 100cm
Scale: Character
Description: Flat back, furry, stubby stout legs, set low to
small dull teeth, muscular, fingers have climbing claws.
Type: Scout Homonculous
Search 5D, sneak 4D
Special Abilities:
Acute Vision: Add +2D to visual searches.
Auditory Sensitivity: Add +1D to audio searches.
Move: 10 walking, 20 flying
Size: 50cm
Scale: Character
Description: Feathered wings, dull beak, short claws, broad tail,
determined by creator.
Required Powers:Control Pain, Emptiness, Life Detection/Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Projective Telepathy, Control Another's Pain, Transfer Force, Affect Mind
Control Difficulty: 27
Sense Difficulty: 25
Alter Difficulty: 38
Use: This power creates an illusion of the user, which is real in all respects to anyone who interacts with it. Even electronic sensors detect the doppleganger as real. The doppleganger can act on its own, or under the control of the user. The user can use all normal senses through the doppleganger, and the illusion acts with half the skill dice of the user. The user must roll every 5 minutes to maintain the illusion. If a roll is failed, the power dropped, or the doppleganger is mortally wounded, it simply fades away.
Moderate on Sense difficulty. The Control and Alter difficulty
is found per the following table (the vampires are considered
Human, if they are not Human, reallocate the table as necessary):
Human: Difficult
Near-human: Very Difficult
Alien: Heroic
Force-sensitive: +10
Non-carbon based: +10
The user of this power gains a Dark Side point. This power will drain the life from any organic based living form, or the life from any sentient being, whether carbon-based or not. Only very alien races might be immune to this power (GM's decision). This life is determined as the Strength and Knowledge of the being. The power can be kept "up", with the normal difficulties. A Moderate Control roll is required in any round this power is kept "up" (i.e., not the first round).
To determine game effects: Roll Strength and Knowledge. Use the Alter result of the aggressor (i.e. Force user) as an attack vs. the combined dice. Consult the damage chart.
No effect: The vampire could not Drain the life from the being this round. The vampire can re-initiate the power next round, or keep the power "up" (which would necessitate resisting the same Alter result, but with a reroll of dice), or try another attack.
Stun result: The vampire has drained Character Points from the character. The vampire can drain max. number of Character Points as the vampire has dice in Alter (i.e. 8D+2 = 8 character points).
Wound result: As per Stun, only that the vampire also drains Force points from the character, at a rate of 1 per 15 or fraction thereof rolled on the Alter dice.
Incapacitated: As per Wound, but the vampire also permanently drains a pip from both Strength and Knowledge.
Kill: The vampire can drain all Character Points and all Force points from the character. Strength and Knowledge stats are drained to 0. The vampire can use the Character and Force points drained as per the normal rules. The pips drained from Strength and Knowledge raises the respective dice codes of the vampire temporarily (like, 2d6 rounds or something). The vampire can decide to forgo this boost in order to heal itself one wound category (i.e., Kill -> Incapacitated -> Wound -> Stun -> No Effect).
Required Powers:Control pain, Hibernation Trance, Life Detection/Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Projective Telepathy, Control AnotherŐs Pain, Transfer Force, Affect Mind
Control Difficulty:23
Sense Difficulty:
1-5 Victims: 3 6-50 Victims: 8 51-1000 Victims: 13 1001-50000
Victims: 19 50001-1 Million Victims: 28 1 Million-10
Million(max): 37-72
Alter Difficulty: Willing, Worshipful Subjects: 7 Apathetic Individuals: 18 Enemies: 34 Imbued With Light Side: +10
Use: This power is used to draw energy from those around the Jedi and to funnel the effects of the Dark Side into those victims. In order to preform this, the Jedi must call the power once each day, though the power is considered up at all times. The amount of energy drawn depends on the number of victims being drained and the length of time that they have been drained. For those drained less than 1 week, and longer than 1 month: 1-5: 1 Force Point per week 6-50: 1 Force Point per 5 days 51-1000: 1 Force Point per 3 days 1001-50000: 1 Force Point per 2 days 50001-1 Million: 1 Force Point per day 1 Million +: 1 Force Point per 12 hours For those drained greater than 1 week, and less than 1 month: 1-5: 1 FP/5 days, +1D all Force Skills 6-50: 1 FP/3 days, +2D all Force Skills 51-1000: 1 FP/2 days, +3D all Force Skills 1001-50000: 1 FP/day, +4D all Force Skills 50001-1 Million: 1 FP/12 hrs, +4D+2 all Force Skills 1 Million +: 1 FP/6 hrs, +5D all Force Skills
Control Difficulty:
Easy for mild weather
Moderate for medium weather
Difficult for heavy weather
Very Difficult for storms (tornadoes, etc.)
Sense Difficulty:
Moderate, modified by proximity.
Alter Difficulty:
Easy for mild changes in intensity or direction
Moderate for medium changes
Difficult for large changes
Very Difficult for dramatic, drastic changes
Modified by proximity/distance of weather change.
Effect: This power changes the weather, effects storms, alter wind, currents of a large body of water, or effect the path of a fire.
Required Powers:Life Detection/Sense, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy
Control Difficulty: 18+Proximity
Sense Difficulty: 18+Relationship
Alter Difficulty: 12
Use: This power is used in tandem with other Jedi to resist the Dark Side and it's forces. Essentially, this power bathes the user and the other assisting Jedi with the power of the Light Side, granting them all a +5D bonus to resist the Dark Side. The user can only link a number of Jedi equal to the user's number of dice for Control or Sense, whichever is lower. If the original rolls (not with the +5D bonus) for Control and Sense both exceed the force rolls made by the Dark Jedi, that Jedi is considered 'stunned', and looses all powers that were being kept up, as well as the power he was attempting.
Control Difficulty: Heroic + Victim's Control
Sense: Heroic
Alter: Heroic + Victim's Alter
All difficulties are modified by proximity and relation. In
addition, there are modifiers for using less than 5 Jedi Masters
in a group:
1 Jedi Master +30 to all difficulties
2 Jedi Masters +20 to all difficulties
3 Jedi Masters +10 to all difficulties
4 Jedi Masters +5 to all difficulties
This power cannot be kept up.
Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Emptiness, Farseeing, Life Sense, Control Another's Pain, Instinctive Astrogation, Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy, Receptive Telepathy, Force of Will, Transfer Force, Dim Another's Senses, Affect Mind
Effect: Imprison is one of the most terrible powers a Jedi can use on another living creature. It's use automatically gives all users a Dark Side point. Through many thousands of years of research, the Jedi have uncovered different dimensions. Some have come about accidently, like the spatial vortexes caused by a failed Warp Matter experiment, while others have come about through active research. Some have even come about by dealing with Dark Jedi and defending against Force Storms and such. The end result is that a group of Jedi masters can open up a gateway into the unknown and forever imprison a victim in this new dimension. It seems that there exists a "pocket universe" somewhere beyond hyperspace where this power leads to. In ancient times, it was thought that no one could ever return from this prison. However, recently, a long imprisoned Dark Jedi Master, the Highlord escaped and made his way back to our galaxy. He did this only through many hundreds of years of planning, but was luckily defeated by the Jedi Knight, Garret Sample. Besides special events, the victim is considered, for all in tense and purposes, to be whiped from the face of the galaxy.
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Base Difficulty of Easy, add +1 for each opponent the Jedi is fighting past the first one.
Alter Difficulty: Moderate
This power may be kept "up".
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to sink into a lower state of conciousness, where all concentration is upon the battle. While in this "trance" (for lack of a better word), add the jedi's Control, Sense, and Alter dice to any combat skill rolls, (Mainly dexterity skills, willpower, perception attribute (but not any perception skills. eg. use for Initiative checks, and to see if a character notices something), climbing/jumping skill, and stamina skill). A jedi may not use Jedi Battle Meditation, and the Lightsaber skill for the same action (make the player choose one or the other); although most other force skills may be used in conjunction with JBM.
Note: Jedi Battle Meditation is a force skill that was taught to students only as one of the final steps in training. Usually, by the time a Jedi learns the art of Lightsaber combat, the jedi would also have learned the Jedi Battle Meditation. This is a Light Side power, and by it's very nature cannot be used for evil (since anger, rage, and other inherently evil acts would disturb the Jedi's trance and bring him/her/it out of the trance). Also, this skill was practiced widely by jedi in the time of the old republic. It was taught on the Jedi learning center on Ossus. But, the skill may have been lost during the Great Purge. Only Jedi that survived the Purge would have knowledge of the skill, and may teach it. (Yoda may have had knowledge of JBM, but that knowledge may have been lost when he became one with the force.) (Once again, GM's disgression :P )
Control Difficulty: 15+mass
Sense Difficulty: 20+proximity
Alter Difficulty: 25+proximity+mass+opposing Control roll
Proximity difficulty:
Line of sight: 1-5
1-100 M: 6-10: 6-10
101 M-10 KM: 11-15
11Km-1000 KM: 16-20
Same Planet: 20-30
Different planet: 35-40
Different system: GM Discretion
Mass difficulty:
1Kg or less: +5
1Kg - 10 Kg: +10
11Kg - 100 Kg: +15
101Kg - 1 ton: +20
1 ton and up: GM discretion
Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate anothers
healing, accelerate healing, control another's pain, control
pain, farseeing, force of will, hibernation trance, instinctive
astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses,
projective telepathy, receptive telepathy, remain conscious,
return another to consciousness, sense force, shift sense,
telekinesis, transfer force
Time to use: 2 rounds
Effect: This power allows the Jedi the ability to manipulate
items and people on a molecular level, letting them move the
object through space from place to place. The Jedi must first
visualize the location, either via farseeing or it's a place they
know intimately. The Jedi then concentrates for a round (no die
bonus from this). If unable to do so, increase the difficulty all
around by +5. Any momentum the Jedi has at the time of
teleportation remains, unless a Telekinesis roll is included.
If the roll is failed, the teleport may not work, or work in a
way the Jedi doesn't want. The Jedi may be parted with his
clothing, possessions or body parts. They may arrive inside of
something (damage left up to circumstances- about 7D to 10D), or
they may arrive in a completely different place than the Jedi
intended, such as Oz, or the Emperor's throne room on Coruscant.
The Jedi may re-arrange body parts and arrive with their legs on
backwards, or just disperse their molecules and become one with
the universe in a BIG way.
This is not a power to be used lightly The level and effects of
the failed roll is completely up to the cruel whims of the GM
(bribery is recommended).
Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Control Pain, Emptiness, Hibernation Trance, Reduce Injury, Remain Conscious, Resist Stun, Life Detection/Sense, Magnify Senses, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Injure/Kill, Telekinesis, Projective Telepathy, Accelerate Another's Healing, Control Another's Pain, Transfer Force, Return Another to Consciousness, Affect Mind
Control Difficulty: 45+Relationship Unwilling Victim +15
Sense Difficulty: 47+Proximity Unwilling Victim +15
Alter Difficulty: Specially Prepared Clone Host Body: 3 Recently Dead Body : 14 Live Willing Host: 22 Live Unwilling Host: 41 Targets Alter or Willpower roll
Use: This power allows the Jedi to(attempt) to transfer his life energy into another body. This is the Jedi key to immortality. With this, a Jedi can overcome and destroy a spirit already in a specific body, thereby making that new body his. If a Jedi fails his rolls, he returns to his original body. If there is no original body to return to, the Jedi simply ceases to exist.
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