
Control and Alter Powers

Accelerate Another's Healing

Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Very Easy.

Required Power: Control anothers pain, control pain

Time To Use: One minute

Effect: The target is allowed to make extra healing rolls, as outlined in accelerate healing. The Jedi must be touching the character whenever she activates this power.


Control Another's Disease

Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Same as control disease.

Required Powers: Accelerate healing, control disease

Time To Use: 30 minutes to several uses over the course of several weeks.

Effect: This power allows a Jedi to heal another character using the same rules and conditions as outlined in control disease. The Jedi must be touching the character to be healed.


Control Another's Pain

Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Easy for wounded characters; Moderate for incapacitated characters; Difficult for mortally wound characters.

Required Powers: Control pain

Effect: This power allows a Jedi to help another character control pain, under the same rules and conditions outlined in the control pain power. The Jedi must be touching the character to use this power.


Force Transduction

Control Difficulty: Very Difficult

Alter Difficulty: Easy for small battery (takes 5 minutes); Moderate for blaster pack (takes 30 minutes); Difficult for power generator/repulsorlift scale fuel cell/lightsaber power cell (take 2 hours); Very Difficult for starfighter scale fuel cell (takes 8 hours); Heroic for capital ship scale fuel cell (takes 1 day)

Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, force of will, transfer force

Time To Use: See Above

Effect: Using this power, the Jedi can charge energy cells using the Force. Only one power cell can be charged at a time. Machinery may be powered directly by keeping this power ``up'' at a +10 modifier to both the Control and Alter difficulties. This power may also be used in reverse to drain power cells in half the time at the appropriate difficulty.

Power cells in between the levels given above are given a relative difficulty number (e.g. an AT-ST power cell might be upper range Difficult, while an AT-AT power cell might be lower range Very Difficult).

It is important to note that the values listed for vehicle power cells are for a single power cell only (e.g. a stock light freighter typically has 50 starfighter scale power cells).

Designer's Notes: The idea was to make a Jedi like a photoautotroph (e.g. a plant which converts light (EM) energy to chemical energy).


Force Weapon

Control Difficulty: Very Difficult

Alter Difficulty: Special, see below

Required Powers: Force Lightning, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Transfer Force, any other powers needed by these powers

This power may be kept "up" for specific weapons, but another DSP is gained every five rounds.

Warning: Any character using this gets a DSP, regardless of reason for usage.

Effect: This power utilizes pure Force energy to create a weapon powered by the Force. This can be used for any blaster or lightsaber (and similar energy weapons). The Dark Jedi uses his Control to energize the weapon, and a blade or blaster bolt of pure Force is created. The Jedi uses Alter for damage. The weapons used for this acts identically to their real varieties in all respects. Each weapon must be specially created like a lightsaber, but a Dark Jedi can make a real weapon into the same structure. Use of this power does not harm any internal weapon components.


Force Lights

Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy

Control Difficulty:

Alter Difficulty:

Use: This power is typically used by Jedi to light darkened areas, but it has it's uses as an offensive power and a heat source as well. When activated unfocused, the Jedi glows with the desired intensity so long as it is achieved. Heat and light radiate outward from all points on the Jedi's body. At any intensity greater than "Fluorescent", the Jedi and others around him receive damage:

Intensity:User Damage:Other's Damage
"Searchlight":4D per round:Blinded(dur +1 rd)
"Engine Glow":15D per round:10D and,blinded+5
"Star":30D per round:20D and, blind

Note that when used unfocused, the Jedi can attempt to Absorb/ Dissipate the energy that he is receiving, with an appropriate roll based on the above Alter difficulties.

When activated as a thick beam:

"Daylight":Brighter Light
"Fluorescent":Blinding Light(Duration +1 round)
"Searchlight":Heated Light(2D damage, blinded +2)
"Engine Glow":Burning Light(6D damage, blinded+5)
"Star":Searing Light(14D damage, blind)

When activated as a thin beam:

"Candle":Bright Light
"Daylight":Blinding Light
"Fluorescent":Heated Light
"Searchlight":Burning Light
"Engine Glow":Searing Light
"Star":Blazing Light(20D damage, blind)

When activated as a focused beam:

"Candle":Blinding Light
"Daylight":Heated Light
"Fluorescent":Burning Light
"Searchlight":Searing Light
"Engine Glow":Blazing Light
"Star":Supernova Light(30D damage, blind)

This power may be kept up(for as long as the Jedi can stand it). When aiming a beam, the Jedi uses his Control dice. While using any beam, the Jedi receives 1/3 damage, rounded to the nearest whole dice, never to drop below 1D.


Force Lightning

Required Powers: Injure/Kill

Control Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception roll

Alter Difficulty: 16+Proximity

Use: This power channels the force through the user into wild blue lances of lightning, directable by the Jedi. The light, the crackling sounds, and the arid burning smell of charred ozone are experienced by everyone in the area. This energy bypasses all armor worn, winding around it. For every 2D of Alter dice the Jedi has, 1D of actual damage is done. A normal strength roll is used to resist.

This power may be kept up.


Place Another in Hibernation Trance

Control Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by the targets relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Very Easy, as modified by proximity.

Required Powers: Hibernation trance

Time To Use: Five minutes.

Effect: This power allows a Jedi to put another character into a hibernation trance. The affected character must be in physical contact with powers user and must agree to be shut down - the power cannot be used as an attack to knock others unconscious.

This power can be used to bring another character out of an hibernation trance, but the alter difficultyy is increased by +10.


Return Another To Consciousness

Control Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity and relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Easy for incapacitated characters; Difficult for Mortally wouned characters.

Required Powers: Remain conscious, control pain

Effect: The target eturns to consciousness. The target has the same restrictions as imposed by the remain conscious power, and must be touching the Jedi.


Transfer Force

Control Difficulty: Easy. Midified by relationship.

Alter Difficulty: Moderate.

Required Powers: Control anothers pain, control pain

Time To Use: One minute.

Effect: This power will save a mortally wounded charater from dying because the Jedi is transferring her life force to the target. The target character remains mortally wounded but will not die unless injured again. The injured character is in hibernation and will stay alive in this state for up to six weeks. The Jedi must be touching the character when the power is activated.

When the power is used, the Jedi must spend a Force Point (this is the life force that is transferred to the target). This use is always considered heroic, so the Jedi will get the Force Point back at the end of the adventure.

The recipient of this power must be willing.

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